Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A stranded ship beached by the tide

Is worse off than one sucked inside

For though it strays not from the coast

Its bows are battered down the most

Never to feel an ocean’s love

The depths of which it sails above

Hulled companions stop and stare

Helpless are they to aid one there

Sombre and guilty for thinking

Its best hope is to start sinking

For closer still they will not dare

So they set sail, leaving a prayer

But one will turn to take a stand

Throw out a rope, reach out a hand

And side by side they will wage war

Against the cruel and cunning shore

Now victory within their sight

They chase the sun at break of light.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Mists

..mOnday *miSts* p|a|r|t to revEal.. a fasT cAr with a Friend at the wheeL.. driviNg through a baTtlefiEld >> "betteR go and get your arMouR".. interVieWer/inTerviewEe switcHinG chairS baCk and fOrth.. fiNding soLuTions witHout the intrUsioN of the wOrlD's conFuSion..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday Celebration

..Thursday *celebration*..look to the ocean for shipwrecked inspiration..i stow aboard to lie and dream..before i leave we’re out to sea..the ship has newly woven sails..its hull repaired with bright new nails..its name is twenty-two in years..we leave behind salt air of fear..the captain knows what’s best for me..He’ll deliver me safe and free..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday Wonderland

wEdneSdaY wOndeRlaNd..first day of hoLiday/last day of twEnty-0nedneSs..so much time under my beLt/so little time to disCover – who am i? “the name’s Brown – Daryl Brown”..but a coloUr by any oTher name..the *twiNkle* in my eye..No matter my age, i have known a lOve more pReciouS than any giFt – free to all who shall belieVe..


I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What is Love?

A friend of mine recently made a passing remark that went something like:

“Love is whatever it means to that person”

It was just a fleeting comment, made in response to some exasperation that kids as young as twelve were talking about the “love of their lives” and that people so young couldn’t really understand love. It didn’t pick up much conversation at the time, but it did get me thinking...

God’s Word says that He is love (1 John 4:8) and we all know that God is, well, MASSIVE. There are so many different aspects to Him that it’s certainly true there must be many different aspects to love and many different ways of showing love and expressing love.

There are, however, also many misconceptions and mistaken ideas about what love is, what it should feel like and how it should be demonstrated, that fall far short of God’s ideal. What love means to someone with such misconceptions is surely not a love to advocate and strive for?

The Word also explains that love remains after all and that love is the greatest of all things (1 Corinthians 13:13). Would it not be heartless to allow someone with a worldly, physical, materialistic view of love to continue believing that what they feel is the greatest thing of all? How disappointing! What hope is there when you believe something that fades and breaks and steals to be the greatest thing of all?

On the other hand, we are all human and imperfect ... what do we understand about love? How can we teach others about something that is too great for us ourselves to comprehend?

All that we can do is to share the source of our own hope and love – and to trust the Spirit that has begun a good work in us to infuse our words and actions with the same life that drew us to Him.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Dawns

SuNday dawnS briGht..futUre glAsses makes it brighteR.. His *glOry* in Creation lEaves me breaThless in antiCipatiOn..felLowShip of the phOtos=adVentuRe!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday Sauntered In...

...sAturdaY sauntered in..a sunNy sOng soarS in my heaRt..+3!..UP!..eaSymiX mufFins *vanilLa* = tAsty!.."the End of alL tHings is neAr".. leaRninG to leaVe a legaCy from the faTher of the HouSe..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Follows

..fridAy follOws the tail of a day well-Lived..wake__lie__eye-rub__oh,fudGe__grEat helPing Hands LIFT and >nudGe<.|take the pluNge, you don’t sWim alOne|>GO!rain-raCing!clOud-chaSing!baTtle-faciNg!{hahAaha}.CHicKen tikKa maSAla that chASEs the NOse and buLliEs the eYes=*full* belly+*clear* head..the postEred PariSian promiSe of Public Enemies fulfiLled..“You wanNa take tHat Ride wiTh me?”

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday Hatches

Thursday hatChes not a moMeNt too soOn..heart-warming sUnshiNe on the hills, i awaiT the white hOrse befoRe noOn....tiGer claw..“releaSe that enErgY”.. *sting*=[paper/cUt]..A pOt of {hErbal} tea among frieNds stirs smiLe-at meMorieS.. “one *shoRrt*bread shOrt of perfEction”

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday Wakens

Wednesday wAkens to the sOund of biRds..i want to thaNk Him, but i can’t find the wOrdS to say all that He desErveS..Old-sChoOl dreams ->”FranklY, my DEAR, I don’t giVE a dAmn”..bUT the WiNd is chanGing diRecTion.CreatinG a creAtive briEf..labEl.lOgo.web..Q:wherE’s the Art direCtion?..A:whEre’s the budGet?..back to the writing boArd – *THINK* outSide the [bOx]..*loOk*foG shroUds the mounTain as lOve that coVeRs siN..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday throws back the covers

TuesDay thROWs back the cOveRs..a BIG beginning or nONe at all.. OO the whEelS of the bUs OO..a |D|I|V|I|D|E|D| city..the other halF asks for “just a oNe rand pleAse”...FRom wHERe have yOu come and wh@t brOught you HERe?...”what i hAVe i gIVe you” ->ex|AMPLE|s to follow...QUESTions.. a *WOrd* brings pEacE.

Monday, September 14, 2009

So this is Monday

So thIS is Monday *day of the MOon* cHAsing wisps of wEEkend dreAMs..through layers of *sleep* shed like OLd skin. a darKenEd fieLd.. *stUmBle* over a mOuntain of a molE hiLl ... moONligHt reFlectiOns ... TwiLiGht inVasiOn >>>no esCapE<<< “Edward and Jacob ain’t got NOthinG on mE, baby!” ..strat review: whiCh way/mY way/oUr way/YOur way/eiTher waY, it’s dOne..long-awaited music arrives..*dance* Air and Earth..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009