Wow. I am in agreement with so much of what Pastor Jason Render preached on Sunday! I’ve been thinking on it all week and being inspired.
I must admit that I have also felt guilty sometimes when I consider how blessed I am. Sometimes it doesn’t seem fair that there are good things happening in my life and that God is opening doors and showering me with gifts when others are struggling to keep food on the table or a roof over their head, while yet others are in situations to dire for me to even imagine.
I feel so unworthy – I know myself and what I’ve done and the kind of person that I am – and that kind of person doesn’t deserve such favour.
And yet, when God looks at me, all He sees is His beautiful child, the work of His Hands, His Creation and He can’t help but love and give and shelter. This is not because of anything that I have done or possibly could do, but because when He looks at me, He sees me through His Son. He sees me through a Jesus-filter that purifies me and polishes me until I glow with value and worth, like a diamond in a coating of coal.
Imagine rough, coarse and dirty flour – it may be suitable for baking the casual bread, but one would never consider it worthy of baking into a cake. Yet if it is sifted – meticulously and painstakingly sifted – it will be rid of impurities and dirt, resulting in a soft, smooth, pure flour that is perfect and worthy for cake-baking.
Without Jesus as my sieve I am, and always will be, rough, coarse and dirty flour. There is nothing I can do to change it, except ask Jesus to sift me every day – decontaminating, purifying and justifying me – to make me useful and worthy. So that when God looks at me through the Jesus-sieve He sees something good and pleasing.
So that when He looks at me He will say, “Yes, this I can make into a big, creamy, chocolatey cake.”
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