Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Get More Than What You See

Like millions of others i saw the movie Avatar. And like millions of others i loved it.

One of my favourite things about Avatar is that expression the Na'vi people have: "i see you".

To them it means much more than just seeing one's outward physical appearance. To the Na'vi it means seeing into a person's heart. It is recognition and acknowledgement of one's worth and one's potential. It is affirmation not just of who you are, but of all that you can be.

How often do we "see" the people around us?

Really see them?

Do you see the gifts and talents of your friends? Do you take note of your employees' potential? Are you aware of your boss's leadership skills? Do you appreciate your partner's true value?

Even in searching for that one person to share your life with, do you really see what is right in front of you? We meet so many people, but no-one seems to measure up to our standards, so we keep looking. There must be something better out there.

But is it really that everyone we've met has fallen short – or is it just that we haven't really seen them for all that they are?

And if we can't see a person for who they're created to be, can we really appreciate them as we should?

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