Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A Plea
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Life of a Cherry Blossom
Friday, October 16, 2009
One Stumble at a Time

Friday, October 9, 2009
Worthy of Cake
Wow. I am in agreement with so much of what Pastor Jason Render preached on Sunday! I’ve been thinking on it all week and being inspired.
I must admit that I have also felt guilty sometimes when I consider how blessed I am. Sometimes it doesn’t seem fair that there are good things happening in my life and that God is opening doors and showering me with gifts when others are struggling to keep food on the table or a roof over their head, while yet others are in situations to dire for me to even imagine.
I feel so unworthy – I know myself and what I’ve done and the kind of person that I am – and that kind of person doesn’t deserve such favour.
And yet, when God looks at me, all He sees is His beautiful child, the work of His Hands, His Creation and He can’t help but love and give and shelter. This is not because of anything that I have done or possibly could do, but because when He looks at me, He sees me through His Son. He sees me through a Jesus-filter that purifies me and polishes me until I glow with value and worth, like a diamond in a coating of coal.
Imagine rough, coarse and dirty flour – it may be suitable for baking the casual bread, but one would never consider it worthy of baking into a cake. Yet if it is sifted – meticulously and painstakingly sifted – it will be rid of impurities and dirt, resulting in a soft, smooth, pure flour that is perfect and worthy for cake-baking.
Without Jesus as my sieve I am, and always will be, rough, coarse and dirty flour. There is nothing I can do to change it, except ask Jesus to sift me every day – decontaminating, purifying and justifying me – to make me useful and worthy. So that when God looks at me through the Jesus-sieve He sees something good and pleasing.
So that when He looks at me He will say, “Yes, this I can make into a big, creamy, chocolatey cake.”
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Winging It
I don’t know what God’s plan for my life is. Or at least not the whole plan. I can guess at certain elements it may include, considering the talents and environments I’ve been given. But right now I’m not even sure what the next step is.
Sometimes I wish that my Heavenly Father would just reveal it all to me – maybe in a nice visual flowplan, depicting exactly what’s going to take place and when and how I need to behave. At times it seems that would simplify everything and take all the pressure off trying to live off the cuff. After all, planning is biblical.
But when I’m honest with myself, I know that it’s to our benefit that God does not usually reveal His plans more than one step at a time.
If you knew what was coming, would it honestly relieve the pressure?
Wouldn’t you worry more about how to handle the situation that’s coming up? Wouldn’t you spend hours planning how to behave and agonising over whether you’re strong enough or skilled enough or godly enough to handle the circumstances successfully?
Matthew 6:34 says that one should not worry about tomorrow, as each day has enough worries of its own.
Right now I can certainly testify to the truth in that. With everything that’s going on today, I couldn’t handle the stress of trying to figure out how to cope with whatever’s coming in the next few months or weeks or even the next few days!
Living God’s plan one step at a time is certainly more exciting than being able to predict the end of the story. It is also comforting in a way, because you know that as long as you’re relying on God to reveal the plan, He’s always going to be around. When you don’t know what’s lurking around the corner you’re not likely to let go of God’s Hand and give Him the “Thanks, but I can take it from here” treatment.
More likely you’re going to be squeezing His fingers with all the might of your sweaty little hands and surreptitiously edging into the shelter of His empowering wings. As long as you’re there, you know you’ll always be safe, no matter where you go or what you face.
So I’ve learnt to plan my course, but let God direct my steps.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A 25-hour God
I heard such a great message this weekend – and the funny thing is that it was an impromptu, unplanned contingency sermon when the original plan hit a few snags. The Hand of God, perhaps?
It’s always heart-warming to be reminded of something that you yourself can testify to, having experienced it in your own life, but that’s since gathered cobwebs in the corner of your mind with the passing of time.
Once again I find myself with more gristle on my plate than time on my hands and the way through, if there is one, is not in plain sight. But I know that whatever needs to be done will get done and I’ll have time for the things I really want to do after I’ve done all the things that I really have to do!
I can say this with full confidence, speaking from experience, because when you seek the Kingdom of God first, keeping your relationship and quality time with Him your main priority, despite not seeming to have the time for it, He will make, not only your cup, but also your hourglass runneth over!
So forget the Bar-Ones, God’s the only thing that has ever given me a twenty-five hour day!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Unpredictably Consistent
While there is certainly more to God than there is to any person, and indeed more to God than anyone could ever comprehend, God is far more consistent than any human being.
But make no mistake – consistent does not mean predictable!
God will never cease to surprise you in the way that He participates in your life. He will answer prayers, make interventions, open and close doors and give guidance sometimes in a way so lateral and oblique to your way of thinking that you may not even recognise His Hand in your life unless you consciously seek it or trust it to be there.
But once you see Him in the twists of your life’s path, what He does will just MAKE SENSE in a way that people’s actions never will.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A stranded ship beached by the tide
Is worse off than one sucked inside
For though it strays not from the coast
Its bows are battered down the most
Never to feel an ocean’s love
The depths of which it sails above
Hulled companions stop and stare
Helpless are they to aid one there
Sombre and guilty for thinking
Its best hope is to start sinking
For closer still they will not dare
So they set sail, leaving a prayer
But one will turn to take a stand
Throw out a rope, reach out a hand
And side by side they will wage war
Against the cruel and cunning shore
Now victory within their sight
They chase the sun at break of light.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Mists
..mOnday *miSts* p|a|r|t to revEal.. a fasT cAr with a Friend at the wheeL.. driviNg through a baTtlefiEld >> "betteR go and get your arMouR".. interVieWer/inTerviewEe switcHinG chairS baCk and fOrth.. fiNding soLuTions witHout the intrUsioN of the wOrlD's conFuSion..
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thursday Celebration
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday Wonderland
I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent.
Monday, September 21, 2009
What is Love?
A friend of mine recently made a passing remark that went something like:
“Love is whatever it means to that person”
It was just a fleeting comment, made in response to some exasperation that kids as young as twelve were talking about the “love of their lives” and that people so young couldn’t really understand love. It didn’t pick up much conversation at the time, but it did get me thinking...
God’s Word says that He is love (1 John 4:8) and we all know that God is, well, MASSIVE. There are so many different aspects to Him that it’s certainly true there must be many different aspects to love and many different ways of showing love and expressing love.
There are, however, also many misconceptions and mistaken ideas about what love is, what it should feel like and how it should be demonstrated, that fall far short of God’s ideal. What love means to someone with such misconceptions is surely not a love to advocate and strive for?
The Word also explains that love remains after all and that love is the greatest of all things (1 Corinthians 13:13). Would it not be heartless to allow someone with a worldly, physical, materialistic view of love to continue believing that what they feel is the greatest thing of all? How disappointing! What hope is there when you believe something that fades and breaks and steals to be the greatest thing of all?
On the other hand, we are all human and imperfect ... what do we understand about love? How can we teach others about something that is too great for us ourselves to comprehend?
All that we can do is to share the source of our own hope and love – and to trust the Spirit that has begun a good work in us to infuse our words and actions with the same life that drew us to Him.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday Dawns
SuNday dawnS briGht..futUre glAsses makes it brighteR.. His *glOry* in Creation lEaves me breaThless in antiCipatiOn..felLowShip of the phOtos=adVentuRe!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday Sauntered In...
...sAturdaY sauntered in..a sunNy sOng soarS in my heaRt..+3!..UP!..eaSymiX mufFins *vanilLa* = tAsty!.."the End of alL tHings is neAr".. leaRninG to leaVe a legaCy from the faTher of the HouSe..
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday Follows
..fridAy follOws the tail of a day well-Lived..wake__lie__eye-rub__oh,fudGe__grEat helPing Hands LIFT and >nudGe<.|take the pluNge, you don’t sWim alOne|>GO!rain-raCing!clOud-chaSing!baTtle-faciNg!{hahAaha}.CHicKen tikKa maSAla that chASEs the NOse and buLliEs the eYes=*full* belly+*clear* head..the postEred PariSian promiSe of Public Enemies fulfiLled..“You wanNa take tHat Ride wiTh me?”
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thursday Hatches
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday Wakens
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday throws back the covers
TuesDay thROWs back the cOveRs..a BIG beginning or nONe at all.. OO the whEelS of the bUs OO..a |D|I|V|I|D|E|D| city..the other halF asks for “just a oNe rand pleAse”...FRom wHERe have yOu come and wh@t brOught you HERe?...”what i hAVe i gIVe you” ->ex|AMPLE|s to follow...QUESTions.. a *WOrd* brings pEacE.
Monday, September 14, 2009
So this is Monday
So thIS is Monday *day of the MOon* cHAsing wisps of wEEkend dreAMs..through layers of *sleep* shed like OLd skin. a darKenEd fieLd.. *stUmBle* over a mOuntain of a molE hiLl ... moONligHt reFlectiOns ... TwiLiGht inVasiOn >>>no esCapE<<< “Edward and Jacob ain’t got NOthinG on mE, baby!” ..strat review: whiCh way/mY way/oUr way/YOur way/eiTher waY, it’s dOne..long-awaited music arrives..*dance* Air and Earth..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Prayer
Monday, August 24, 2009
Speechless ...
You speak the words off my lips
So all I can say is your name
You gaze the sight out of my eyes
So all I can see is your face
You blow the storms in my mind apart
So all that I can think is a prayer
For God to help me win your heart.Friday, August 21, 2009
Vocal Constipation/Verbal Diarrhoea
WARNING: This is a highly self-indulgent post and may annoy readers with little patience
I have long suffered from two paradoxical ailments – vocal constipation and verbal diarrhoea. Before continuing, let me clarify these terms – vocal has to do with the voice and speech, while verbal refers to words in any form, be it written, spoken or performed. Constipation and diarrhoea are terms I assume everyone is familiar with, though hopefully not too literally or personally. ;)
When it comes to spontaneous face-to-face conversation, I struggle to get anything out. I don’t know why I find it difficult to talk to people or build close relationships when I so enjoy the presence and company of others, but I know of several good and well-meaning individuals who can testify to the frustrating experience of trying to connect with me. Even in answering simple questions about myself and my life (supposedly the most effortless of topics) I just hit mental blanks and have trouble finding anything to say.
But when I’m presented with a clean page I become as articulate as Oxford’s English Dictionary. I feel like I’ve been given wings and license to travel the open sky. I can fill a page in a matter of minutes and usually I end up going too far ... it just pours out. Repeating synonyms of adjectives as I revel in the beauty of words, I explain each and every detail of the background of a story before getting to the story itself. I explain my explanations and elaborate on my elaborations.
I encode the entire intricate network of connections and impulses in the web of my mind into a cryptogram of words that can sometimes paint the most magnificent picture, but often is as labyrinthine and ensnaring as a maze or Egyptian tomb. This results in my “explanation” being more bewildering than enlightening.
Imagine if I said everything I wrote down ... I think that may be part of the reason I say so little – I simply don’t know where to start. What should I include and what should I omit? What makes sense and what is unnecessary? What do you want to know?
Better to say nothing than to be boring.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saving Me From Myself
Having said that, I was not in a great place and not really in the mood to see anyone or go to socialise and chitchat, so I said to God that if I didn’t need to be there to serve, I would give the Young Adults service on Saturday evening a miss and go to church by myself on Sunday morning.
I received an email, however, saying yes, thanks very much, and they really appreciated my heart, as well as the roster for that weekend, which had my name on it!
So I thought, “Okay, God, you obviously want me to be at the service. You want to teach me something or minister to me in some way, but I don’t really think there’s much point, because seeing as I’m serving through the whole service, I’m not really going to benefit from the worship or the message!” (You can see I was really in a sulky, brattish mood; I thank God for His mercy and understanding in putting up with me – if I had been Him I would have thrown a few lightning bolts my way a long time ago!!)
Anyway, I got to the church on Saturday evening and had just finished unpacking the tripod and setting up the camera, when Quinton, the Young Adults leader, came up to me and said that he’d phoned someone else up during the week and asked him to operate the Lights and Camera that night in order to give me a break!!
While I obviously felt the exasperation you would expect, I couldn’t help laughing out loud at God’s ingenuity – the only reason I had come to church that night was because I had thought I had to serve, but God obviously wanted me there to participate in Worship and receive a much-needed message (from the visiting Neil Smith of Planetshakers church in Australia, no less!) and He was willing to use any means necessary to make sure it happened, orchestrating my presence and my availability!
I praise Him for always knowing best and for watching my back ... even against my own self-destructive phases!
Romans 8:28
Isaiah 40:10–14
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Holding On To Let Go
But how often in these time do we take up the shears ourselves and decide to cut out what we "don't need", because, of course, we know best?
When we can't handle everything in our lives, we often choose what should stay and what should go, without letting GOD do His work.It is frightening to see people let go of GOD, but hold on to a man or a woman in such situations. People are sometimes the most tempting substitute; having been made in the image of GOD, they offer the illusion of His tangible presence and comfort. Yet it is GOD alone that is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He is infinitely superior to any man or woman.
No matter what the world may promise, only GOD can get you through, only He can stay with you in everything.
Psalm 100
Credit to New Altum, whose song inspired the title of this post.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Just An Attempt
But it all comes out pretending
Seeing how others get it so right first time
But I can’t let go of training
Wanting to follow the rules instinctively
But can’t escape the structure
Looking at how it STILL COMES OUT THE SAME!!!!! At how IT JUST HAPPENS!!!!!
But it means so little
Pouring out my heart
But it doesn’t sound as real
As when it’s wrong
Wanting to give you my all
But is it enough this way
Or do you want it new?
Pretentious is a word I despise
Because it hits so close to home
Jesus, you are all I’m aiming for, but so many delays, so many detours, so many disruptions
And then my heartwords get lost along the way and it all comes sounding the same
Every time
Help me to let go of everything but you
Please forgive my worldly love
It is death in disguise
As you warned again and again
This is just an attempt
That’s all I can offer
In the hope that you will remain patient
For what I might never achieve
Gracious to what I might never leave
And take them OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!
Cannot feel this compassioned pity anymore –
It is death in disguise
For me at least
Can you harden my heart to everything but you?
And still make me compassionate?
It’s my only defence
You are
But is it compatible?
If your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away
But it’s my eyes and ears and voice and heart
My hands and feet and thoughts and scars
I’ve lost myself while thinking that I’m found
Gouge it all I would if still I could serve
But instead I will make this attempt
To surrender and lay it all down before one whose burden is light
Whose yoke is easy enough to carry this
Cut me out and paste in Someone
Who can do what I can’t
Someone who can love
Someone who can satisfy their needs
You are the only way and that is all I that want to say
Help me to speak the Truth all of my days
Help me to write the Truth in any way
And all else will submit to YOU
Help me to be real
Help me to be honest
Help me to be open
Help me to be complete
Help me to be sincere
Help me to be committed
Help me to be whole-hearted
To you above all
Friday, May 8, 2009
For the Love of God
The cold reminded me that winter was close and snakes are cold-blooded, lethargic in the cold and hibernating in the winter. This led me to wonder why God had created them as such – what purpose was there in putting specific animals to sleep for half the year?
And then the thought struck me – my God loves me so much that if He knew I would be bitten by a snake early one winter morning, He would have taken that into account when He created snakes however many years ago.
God would actually plan the details of all His Creation to ensure my safety millions of years later!!
That may seem unlikely and I guess it’s not the reason that snakes hibernate in the winter, but knowing the depth and intensity of my God’s love for me, it is totally possible!
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38-39
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Will Not Hide My Face
but does it really have to be
that you are all I’ve got?
That the only friend
to lend an ear
speaks in whispers heart to heart?
That the only brother
for adversity
reveals his loyalty after the fact?
That the only constant
to be the same yesterday, today and forever
is hidden treasure to be sought all my days?
That the only arms
to hold me in comfort
are yours, warm and open and
But when I am saved by grace,
by your mercy that begins afresh each morning,
by the greatest love of a friend who laid down his life to ransom my own
When all my provision
comes from you,
abundantly for my enjoyment that I may never hunger or thirst
When your protection
cloaks me against fear and foe,
hiding me in the shadow of your wings, my fortress inspiring courage
When strength
never leaving nor forsaking,
holds me up and holds me close with the promise of your peace
When day after day
your faithful love is lavished on me,
undeserved, underappreciated and overflowing to the consternation of observing and observed
When I turn away
chasing in the opposite direction
while starving you of attention and barely pausing to mutter a thanks
indifferent to the myriad gifts
that are testament to the unconditional generosity
of a spiteless Father
whose grace sees past the cold facade of a hardened heart
offering hope to the desperate aching search for what is in your outstretched hands
whose two-edged Word pierces the racing pulse with whispered tenderness
“Here I am”
When I believe
that you are all I need
Then am I blessed
to know that
you are all I’ve got.
Psalm 71
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Word of Difference from the Heart
I do totally believe that we are all created totally unique to serve a very specific purpose, but after all, being created in the image of the same amazing God, we are at heart all the same.
We go through the same experiences, share the same feelings, have the same fears and insecurities, and rejoice over the same little delights. Thank goodness ... that’s what makes us able to relate and encourage and strengthen each other!
So a new blog, a new beginning, in which I hope to focus not on the isolating differences, but simply share the words straight from my heart...
Monday, May 4, 2009
20090326 Man of God (...?)
You say it, but you don’t show it;
I hear it, but I don’t believe it.
HIS grace is sufficient for me;
for HIS power is made perfect in weakness...
you are my weakness
and HIS power is great in you.
How do I resist?
How do I forgive?
When I am in the wrong (...?)
I do my best, but it’s not enough
when done for the wrong reasons.
Lacking in trust
for HIM to finish the work HE began.
Of all my faults
you’re the only one that keeps me awake.
How do I surrender?
How do I forget?
Something I never had (...?)
Jealousy makes me nasty,
but only to its object.
Never leaving
nor forsaking,
the answer has always been
what you can’t be, yet I expected
the impossible from the Creation
and not the Creator.
20090324 Such A Face
I’ve seen you before
Don’t I know you?
I just have that kind of face.
Stop looking so worried
What have you done wrong?
Don’t look so guilty
Maybe I just have that kind of face?
Why are you always so happy?
Here comes the Colgate smile
Doesn’t anything get you down?
I guess I just have that kind of face.
I always said he’d be trouble
Didn’t you see it in his eyes?
He just had that look
Who could love that kind of face?
"The LORD make his face shine upon you and be
gracious to you."
Numbers 6:25
20090218 The Personal Revolution
"Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so
goes the world, for the world is us ...
The revolution that will save the world is a personal one."
- Marianne Williamson
20090217 God in Africa (Part Two)
A friend of mine asked her why the African belief in ancestors is so exclusive, as they don’t believe that Westerners have ancestors looking after them, whereas Christianity is inclusive for everyone everywhere – Jesus died and rose again to save people of all races. Surely if something is true, it is absolutely true - true for all people? Yet, her people have adopted Christianity in addition to their ancestral beliefs, thus asserting that the Gospel is true for them as well as everyone else, but do not belief that any other people have ancestors who watch over them.
20090217 God in Africa
A Xhosa girl told me how her Christian family prays to both God and their ancestors for protection and provision, believing that their ancestors watch over them, like angels. These ancestors bestow spiritual gifts and abilities upon certain members of the family that enable them to heal and to have supernatural knowledge of things happening in others’ lives (basically they are ‘psychic’).
However, these people still believe that God is the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it, and that the Holy Bible is His Word, but that He works in conjunction with their ancestors to give them abundant life.
It boggled my mind how people who read God’s Word, which commands us to have no other gods alongside Him (Exodus 20:23), and which says that He is our Sole Provider (1 Timothy 6:17, Romans 5:17, Psalm 111:5), our Shield and our Reward (Genesis 15:1), our Portion, could believe that their departed ancestors have the power to do the same.
I told her that according to my personal beliefs, people who died had finished their race and had no part in our lives. God is the absolute authority and nothing else can provide for me. I also tried to explain how Satan doesn’t necessarily have to physically hurt or possess people to bring them harm – simply by deceiving them into believing and trusting in something other than God, accrediting their blessings and safety to someone else, they would be drawn away from God and relationship with Him.
This girl argued that their ancestors don’t draw them away from God as they work alongside Him to take care of them, as His angels do. However, God’s Word makes it clear that God rules over His angels and does not function alongside them:
“For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;”
- Psalm 91:11
The fact remains that if God is not the only One you look to for guidance, protection, comfort, salvation and provision, if you do not have an exclusive relationship with Him, you are missing out on the greatest blessing of all – an eternal life with Him.
20090216 Forbidden Fruit
You’ve got the time for me
But will we have to pay
Or is this time for free?
Is the timing right
Or is the timing wrong
Do we have all night
Or will that be too long?
We’ve waited for this chance
Kept feelings under wraps
Can we risk it now
To let our judgement lapse?
Can we keep this quiet
Can we hide our sin
Or will the moment catch us
So best not to begin?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
20090122 Alone Time
Time to be with You
What I need
When breathing becomes a chore
When thoughts make no sense
Thoughts of
Skunk Off
Those girls
My deodorant
Nowhere to lay it down
Nowhere to work it out
The juggler drops the balls
Not one by one
At once everything falls
But You can pick it up
In time
But first
Time to be alone with You